Saturday, January 29, 2011

Yvonne Ist Weg

My preschool teacher already moved to a new Kindergarten, a smaller one that is and it is kind of sad without her at the Kindergarten. As a remembrance, she left me a copy of Volker Rosin's TANZEN MACHT SPASS Music CD. I haven't checked it yet but I am sure it will be a lot of fun. It is for little kids after all. I have heard some of the songs and seen the dance moves on TV and the tunes are very danceable. I am sure I will just enjoy it! Too bad I wasn't able to personally thank her for everything. But should she chance on this blog, I thought she know how thankful I am for everything that she taught me and for making sure that I am okay while I am in her care.

I hope the new teacher will be as nice and as patient and as sensitive as you are.

By the way, here is an image of the CD:

Here's the promotional clip of the music album:

1 comment:

Russ AKA Grampy said...

Well that sounds wonderful. I am sure you will enjoy it.

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