Friday, October 22, 2010

This Little Girl Is Back!

Hello everyone! I can't believe it has been a while since I updated this blog. I am sorry for the very long absence. You must all be getting bored after finding that the entries are all the same for almost a month now. I really thank you all for your visits, albeit quick and short ones.

So what's new with me? I am still the bubbly old me, magnified a 100 times. Hihi! I have been very busy at the Kindergarten, playing with my friends, singing songs, doing crafts that I almost forgot that I have a blog to update every once in a while. I do have a valid reason for not updating for quite some time: we moved houses and we don't have any internet connection at home so that I am unable to update you guys. But I am here now and I am happy to be blabbing things here.

Mommy says that I am now very talkative and know now how to whine in public so that I can get what I want. I know this is not a good thing and my Mommy and Daddy are working together so that I don't end up being a spoiled brat. My parents also know that I am a good girl and I guess they must also know that I miss them a lot because whenever they are around, I won't leave their side.

That's what I've been to these days. I will post shortly my adventure with my Mommy's classmates during our visit to the Märchengarten in Schloss Ludwigsburg. Thanks for dropping by!

1 comment:

Alice Law said...

Missed you lots little samantha! Time flies and now you are going to school already!:)

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