Friday, November 19, 2010

Where Are My Books?

We moved into our new apartment early last month. You might wonder if we have already settled in or not. Well, there are still a lot of boxes that need to be unpacked and furniture that need to be purchased. My Mommy and Daddy are not in a hurry though. We are just taking things one step at a time, prioritizing things, purchasing what needs to be purchased first.

One of our first purchases are bookshelves. Mommy and Daddy need to organize their office stuff and important documents and they can't find their files easily if they are stored in boxes... therefore, the need for bookshelves.  We got them from Ikea and after Mommy assembled them, we went to work. I was also beginning to miss my books so that seeing them once again made me so happy. I even volunteered, er insisted, that I place my books on the bookshelves myself. I still may not be very good at arranging and organizing my stuff but I am getting there. With practice, I know I will get better at cleaning after my own mess, being able to help my Mommy along the way.

1 comment:

Alice Law said...

It has been quite some time I didn't get to see Samantha, she is growing up well and beautiful!

That's great that she loves reading and has the initiative to arrange it on her own! Bravo!

Have a wonderful weekend!
p/s: Couldn't keep my eyes off her lovely bookself and flooring!

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